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You know, i don't usually share what's on my bucket list but one of them is passing out af...

⚠Do not spread site. July 2, 2021 1:06 pm

You know, i don't usually share what's on my bucket list but one of them is passing out after a wild sex...............
................anywayssssss, who's this guy?

    SadPopcorn July 2, 2021 1:32 pm

    His ex, who is married with child and borrowed alot of money from him and then went AWOL up until now. He basically cheated on his wife but she don't know anything and mc found out so he stopped all communication. That's was all back in ch 2-3.

    ⚠Do not spread site. July 2, 2021 1:54 pm
    His ex, who is married with child and borrowed alot of money from him and then went AWOL up until now. He basically cheated on his wife but she don't know anything and mc found out so he stopped all communicati... SadPopcorn

    Oh wow.. The audacity of him to show up again then.