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That girl is so cool! Slap him some more miss! Finally the cheater got caught, min gyeom f...

BLgal August 26, 2016 4:33 pm

That girl is so cool! Slap him some more miss! Finally the cheater got caught, min gyeom finally realized how idiot he was lol. Now, sam should take this chance and show min gyeom that he loves him even though he was being a huge ass to sam.

    Sskylark August 26, 2016 4:51 pm

    If I remember correctly, it's not the first time something like this happened. She know what type of person that guy is.
    Yay to the slaps!

    manganiME August 26, 2016 7:23 pm

    Yeah, but she's still so stupid as to not fully and completely break off with him. She's the quintessential example of a woman who appears to be strong but is weak--that is, she'll hit him, but she goes back to him over and over though he's proven he's a shit.

    BLgal August 27, 2016 4:16 am
    Yeah, but she's still so stupid as to not fully and completely break off with him. She's the quintessential example of a woman who appears to be strong but is weak--that is, she'll hit him, but she goes back to... manganiME

    Well you can't dictate your heart can you? She can't help it she's in love with that asshole.

    Sskylark August 27, 2016 6:33 am
    Yeah, but she's still so stupid as to not fully and completely break off with him. She's the quintessential example of a woman who appears to be strong but is weak--that is, she'll hit him, but she goes back to... manganiME

    There is a back story between those two. They go way back, and her feeling are quite deep. It's hard to forget someone, considering how long they have been together.

    manganiME August 27, 2016 2:03 pm
    Well you can't dictate your heart can you? She can't help it she's in love with that asshole. BLgal

    We can't help who we are attracted to or love. We can totally CHOOSE with whom we choose to go out with or marry. That's not beyond our control. I'm looking forward to the backstory. Cause right now, I just want him to be struck by lightning.

    What he did to our hero was selfish and cruel in many ways (interrupting a true relationship for his own reasons, making the hero dependent on him and then cutting him abruptly loose, making him feel worthless with that "Did I ever ask you to go out" question, deceiving him, making him a substitute for a girl.) The guy is a bastard. But I'm willing to wait and see what is between him and that girl.

    BLgal August 27, 2016 8:29 pm
    We can't help who we are attracted to or love. We can totally CHOOSE with whom we choose to go out with or marry. That's not beyond our control. I'm looking forward to the backstory. Cause right now, I just wan... manganiME

    Lol in the beginning many reader was fascinated by that guy, and honestly i was not happy reading their comments thankfully mangaka straightened that up I'm very relieved but still sad with the fact that he got to sleep with min gyeom I really dislike that part.