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I think everybody who knows the series of evangelion knew it from the start that he will d...

Shim August 25, 2016 6:59 am

I think everybody who knows the series of evangelion knew it from the start that he will die in this dj OTL. I remember when I was younger and I watched anime with my brother - kaworu and shinji were my first gay pairing haha. In manga I was a lil shocked of his personality, but still I loved him to (bad pun) death. And many years later they gave us a new movie - beautiful piano scene and unfortunately (but I guess it should be like that) new death scene. I cried again - two times, because of the Utada Hikaru song (check her! Kingdom Hearts used her music too - she is amazing). Anyway, I always have a weak spot for them..
...and I like Shinji - many fans of eva don't rly like him tbh, because of his crybaby side XD
