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FriedDumplings July 1, 2021 3:57 pm

I wanted to see their journey to Leonidasss (was that the name of the country??? forgot shfjkahsfjkaeh)
Like the part when Chiyaki got over(?? i think he did) his fear of beasts(?) i mean beast forms through Glen's beast form as he transformed bc i forgot the reason why he did but it was a touching scene?? i remember crying at that chap but that might be bc it was also the part where it was explained why he was scared of beast forms bc he was raped by someone who used it n u know ripped his shimmy hole. i dont remember if that happened after he was thrown away (at the brothel ig not sure, but where he got that slave mark thing) after they got tired of him ig (i forgot y he was thrown away, glad he was, at the same time asfjakhfjkashekj TToTT ) or maybe it was before. there r other cute scenes too n i wanted to see that tooooo im sad but stillll its great n AAAAAAAAA his parents r nice tho dun worry (i remember them being nice but its been so long since ive read the novel so im not completely sure but i think they r) gahd im bad at explaining

long story short, (1) their journey to the lion guy's country was cute n cute n fwuffy (2) the parents r nice (i think the dad was smacked by his waifu) (3) take everything i said with a grain of salt bc its been so long since the last time ive read the novel (4) if ur gon ask for the link for the novel (
