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It's amazing how no one points out that the person to really blame is the ML's biological ...

Eddd July 1, 2021 12:21 pm

It's amazing how no one points out that the person to really blame is the ML's biological father. He was the one who was violent and physically abusive. He's the only reason the mother had to suffer physically and mentally and financially to the point that she had to give up her son. He was a parent too. He had obligations to be a decent partner and father too. But no, all you people can do is call the mother, who was herself a victim of domestic violence, a b****.

Really funny cuz you won't want to believe it but all you are is a bunch of misogynists. Amazing how no one can extent even a miniscule amount of understanding to the women who tried her best to get herself and her son out of a shitty situation. She was delt a terrible hand and had to make some terribly hard choices. Instead of understanding that she herself suffered and is trying to make amends for it, you people would just call her misogynistic slurs because trying to sympathize with a female character, who has done something you don't approve of, must be tougher than walking on charcoal for some of you.

    Nonamesupremacy July 1, 2021 12:35 pm

    Right ! Some of these comments are so baffling like she may not have made the best decisions every step of the way but she did what she thought was right and acknowledged her mistakes and is trying to atone

    Eddd July 1, 2021 12:41 pm
    Right ! Some of these comments are so baffling like she may not have made the best decisions every step of the way but she did what she thought was right and acknowledged her mistakes and is trying to atone Nonamesupremacy

    Because it's just so easy to not use critical thinking skills and to call a woman you don't like a b****. Like yeah the ML had a sad childhood but the mum wasn't exactly living the best life either. She was being physically assaulted and abused. But Nah. Sympathy in most people exists in small quotas rationed to be mostly for the members of the male population.

    littlewolf1022 July 2, 2021 4:01 am

    Louder!!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧