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YESSS COMMUNICATION !! i was so scared that yi yun was going to find out the truth from so...

xian June 30, 2021 9:21 pm

i was so scared that yi yun was going to find out the truth from someone else

    Tayreadsmanga June 30, 2021 9:22 pm

    Hii, can you explain to me what was happening with the embryo situation cause I’m so confused

    xian June 30, 2021 9:52 pm
    Hii, can you explain to me what was happening with the embryo situation cause I’m so confused Tayreadsmanga

    okay so from what i understood they both decided to have test tube babies but feng exchanged his embryo which was rorou with yi yun's so yi thought rorou was his child biologically and raised him. feng had stored yi’s embryo but it got stolen by his aunt cause she thought it was his

    Tayreadsmanga July 1, 2021 1:21 pm

    Ohhhhh thank you I was so confused