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Confused? Also big spoiler if you haven’t read the other story

Didi June 30, 2021 7:28 pm

I’m confused. I already read Ayeshah’s Secret, but in that story no one knew that Aisha had a twin sister (not even the reader if I remember correctly?) and in fact that’s actually like the whole plot twist so i don’t understand why in this story everyone is already aware of the existence of a sister.
Does that mean that these are two separate stories with the same characters?

    bel3ns1ta.a June 30, 2021 7:38 pm

    i do they are the same story, now they are showing everything before that happened i guess

    Swan-MF. July 1, 2021 2:20 am

    I think its best for that to be it. Same story different sequence. If we were to still keep in mind ayehsas secret then a lot of things wont add up. So its better to just not tie the two stories together (even though they are supposed to be the same) and just think of it as its own story. So dont think of this as the prequel to ayeshas secret but think of it as its own story with no connection to ayeshas secret