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besties she's gutsy, not weak at all. Imagine getting engaged to your supposed killer, the...

leviathan June 29, 2021 8:18 am

besties she's gutsy, not weak at all. Imagine getting engaged to your supposed killer, the same two faced man who you witnessed killing someone, a man who's morales are probably non existent, a functioning psychopath who gave up his own life before just coz his girlfriend wanted to protect his brother-- yup, pretty strong to me.

It's a big shock that she's still mentally stable after all that, plus the fact that she was blackmailed to be married to him so that she cannot 'run away'. Even with the assurance that he wouldn't kill her she knows a lot of people will still go after her because her husband is known to be a psycho. Other than that she still carries her duties as his fiance facing people like she's inlove with him even when she's not. If that's not one definition of strong then you ppl must be so fucking weak.
