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Thoughts on Helena's POV

WeirdPotato~ June 29, 2021 3:04 am

Oh great! Helena is dumb for letting herself stuck in that situation and should blame herself for not having a proper childhood and self-esteem like other people. Yes let's also use her kindness as being hypocrite for not helping the OG Eris who abuse and lock her up in a closet be with the prince.

We all have different circumstances and its disgusting seeing other people victim blaming Helena for being weak and unlike other heroines who are outspoken and strong.

It is sad cause to be honest there's a lot of helena in reality compare to Eris and yes let us blame all woman who can't defend themselves and are in pinch (●'◡'●)ノ

    Urmotherpal June 29, 2021 10:04 pm

    I know Helena reminds me of Cinderella, they both were abused however despite being a victim they never tried victimizing others. I feel so sorry for Helena, she never tried to hurt others and always showed sympathy unlike Rashta or the OG mc. ╥﹏╥

    coralcrown June 30, 2021 2:06 am

    or rather just the hypocrisy

    elise: helena, ur a bad person for watching the prince hit me and doing nothing when you have the power to stop it
    also elise: *watches the commoner knight get beat up by the other knights and does nothing even though she's a noble with the power to stop it*

    ......... oh ok

    Urmotherpal June 30, 2021 3:18 am
    or rather just the hypocrisyelise: helena, ur a bad person for watching the prince hit me and doing nothing when you have the power to stop italso elise: *watches the commoner knight get beat up by the other kn... coralcrown

    I mean I don’t blame both of them. Helena doesn’t have the power to reject the prince due to the fact he has power over her. Elise didn’t interfere with the knight because she knew that if she did, they were going to bully him harder. Either way I wish Helena wasn’t as hated and gets a good ending although I doubt it by reading the spoilers ;(