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Wtf is this.. How many times already. There's notification for new update, but then no new...

NONO86 June 28, 2021 11:02 pm

Wtf is this.. How many times already. There's notification for new update, but then no new episode at all.. What a fucking lousy job you are doing.. Annoying

    Alice June 30, 2021 10:49 am

    Well... If you can't take this "annoying lousy job" anymore stop reading from this illegal free manga site and go read it at the official website (Trap Trap got licensed recently) where there will be no delays and fake updates.
    No one is obligated to even upload these chapters here... if you don't have the cash to go to the official source then stop acting like a spoiled brat here and be thankful for even getting an update.

    Ejaculatetoyaoi July 4, 2021 1:27 am

    Can you even translate, clean and redraw?
    This shit takes hours to days, you being a little bitch is very much uncalled for.