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Julienne June 28, 2021 3:46 pm

So I just read “even if you don’t love me”, kinda toxic but i really like it! Can you recommend stories with the same vibes? Thanks!

    sbokii June 28, 2021 4:14 pm

    Even if you dont love me (got hints of toxicity esp 1 part), legs that wont walk, shutline and payback. The last 2 are relatively new (has 10 chp and below) but it does seem like it might be kinda toxic

    Julienne June 28, 2021 4:18 pm
    Even if you dont love me (got hints of toxicity esp 1 part), legs that wont walk, shutline and payback. The last 2 are relatively new (has 10 chp and below) but it does seem like it might be kinda toxic sbokii
