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やめて June 27, 2021 11:53 am

Bare with me but isn’t the person Jiwon fell in love with … Youngmin? Considering that Yuhyeon imitated his personality and all of his actions during the 10 dates? Because remember in the snippets? Yuhyeon was acting like Jiwon when he was together with Youngmin (the movies, Disney world, the sauna(uncomfy straight guy reaction) & theeeen Yuhyeon imitated however Youngmin was acting with him towards Jiwon. Jiwon was saying how he feel I love with Yuhyeon because of those datesand I was like hmmmmmm. Y’all get what im saying tho? Im typing this with less than 2 hours of sleep but I hope someone get to where im going at.

Alsooo, Saejin is my everything & I hope he doesn’t let his hair grow back. He looks great with out. *kisses forehead*

Alsoooo, I find it crazy how everyone was being shitty towards Yuhyeon. Unless I missed something but isn’t Youngmin attempting …. not his fault? I thought Yuhyeon did some crime and was the devil incarnated and did Youngmin extremely dirty the way everyone was talking but when the actuall reason was told I was likeeeee huh?

In conclusion, the story was ok kinda meh tho.. something was missing tho like it needed a little umph
