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I was actually fairly impressed on the page where "rape" was identified and called out. I ...

Anon August 15, 2016 7:02 am

I was actually fairly impressed on the page where "rape" was identified and called out. I sat here sickened as I read those pages then found brief reprieve in that one page only to have it thrown back in my face because apparently rape is a-okay if the rapist is drunk. That's not okay. That's still traumatizing. That's still sick and still very, very immoral. And there is nothing romantic about feeling the need to "test" your partner's love. That's also sick and indicative of a very, very unhealthy relationship.

Why is this sort of thing popular? Really? The characters are bland, the "suspense" is based on melodrama and the "romance" is literal rape.

I came into this really very excited because they suggested "switching." I powered through boring chapter after boring chapter because I honestly had faith that this story would be one of the few to treat relationships as something mutual wherein love is based on trust and actually doing something to improve your partner's life -- not getting drunk and raping them.

    shortie~ April 18, 2017 10:12 am

    Lol XD

    Mixtress Bathory June 14, 2019 1:24 am

    this comment is old, but I'll reply. in japanese society rape is ok. women has no voice to it. those who call out, get silenced. it has been like that for hundreds of years. this is why theres so much rape to love crap in mangas. it's not a yaoi thing. rape is romatiziced in all adult genres.