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Been in a similar situation before. Spouse offered up his sperm on Craigslist. We had one ...

Avictori June 27, 2021 10:18 am

Been in a similar situation before. Spouse offered up his sperm on Craigslist. We had one baby already and I wanted another one. It was the weirdest shit to me. How TF you cool with donating your sperm but was pissed when I made a pact with a gay friend in college to have a baby if we weren't parents by 35 (before I met you) you felt some kind of way No lie even now I've been approached by same sex couple friends to donate eggs or even carry and I feel like it's not right to put your friends in that position especially if they have a partner. As great as it is that Alex is on board he should consider his BF feelings too because his thoughts were right but he was also being super selfish. That can be a problem later if Alex wants a kid and they are together, they will need to work through that. Ok off my soapbox now. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
