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So has he figured out she's a girl yet

Blue eyes June 26, 2021 1:00 pm

So has he figured out she's a girl yet

    Erenyaegerismyyellow June 26, 2021 1:48 pm

    Mans taking too long

    maidcat23 June 28, 2021 2:37 pm
    Mans taking too long Erenyaegerismyyellow

    i wrote spoilers in the comment if u wanna read them

    Erenyaegerismyyellow June 28, 2021 4:02 pm
    i wrote spoilers in the comment if u wanna read them maidcat23

    Can u copy them in here because I can’t find it

    AkakoYuri June 30, 2021 11:22 am
    Can u copy them in here because I can’t find it Erenyaegerismyyellow

    this is maidcat's spoiler
    This topic may contain spoiler

    so a lot of things happen but they made a plan where latios and siennas army split up and latios army ambush nyas army in the mountains and then siennas army joins in to help them but teacher merlin ends up betraying the sagas(latios army) by ordering siennas army not joining in and help them without sienna knowing. latios army gets wiped out by nyas army. latio crackers after finding out that “alas” aka sienna betrayed him and his son of war god mood or whatever it’s called gets activated he and inke(the red haired dude from the arena) kill nearly all of them even tho they’re injured and then them and the remaining army head to the town(ps the sagas helped a lot in that town before they got betrayed by merlin) a misunderstanding happened and the towns people start trying to kill them and calling them monsters for things they didn’t even do (pff even after all that the sagas did for them( ̄へ ̄). )the couldn’t do anything other then fight back (i swear it was so heart breaking even ink started crying,they looked so sick of life no1 saw them as humans, ughh these racist sons of bitchs). okay so when sienna found out that merlin betrayed them from the brown haired servent dude(who was also in on it) she tried going help latio but it turned out that non of her army was actually under her command or loyal to her except a few they were all following merlins command and tried to stop her but she still leaves with the few soldiers that thought what merlin was doing isnt right
    sienna and the few soldiers head to latio but they end up finding the town in a mess she lowkey misunderstands and thinks that the sagas killed the town’s people just cause they’re mad, latio gets pissed that “alas” betrayed him and his now dead army that where like brothers to him, so he try’s to kill sienna, before he even give her a chance to explain her self he slashes her chest and then TADA both of the remaining sagas including latio and the few soldiers from siennas army are now starting and siennas boobies with a deep cut in between them╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ hehe worst possible way to find out she’s actually sienna right. they all shocked and ink is the first to say “he’s..a.girl” dam right she’s a girl and not any girl but the girl that saved ur life, but i think he realized that by him self, well anyways as soon as latio realizes that it’s sienna with shock and terror in his eyes because he just sliced her he yells out her name as she drops to the ground.WOW what a ride(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Blue eyes June 30, 2021 1:32 pm
    this is maidcat's spoilerThis topic may contain spoilerCONTEXTso a lot of things happen but they made a plan where latios and siennas army split up and latios army ambush nyas army in the mountains and then sie... AkakoYuri

    Omg i cant wait thank u so much