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In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, ...

Quicksilver June 24, 2021 9:30 pm

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:42 pm

    I thought you said you didn't give a shlt about my work.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:42 pm

    why are you even looking at it?

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:43 pm

    fixate and focus are not interchangeable

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:44 pm

    it's a paiinting, not a texture

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 10:48 pm
    I privated it? did you mean pirated it? It's Baroque painting in the venitas style. it's beautiful, isn't it? Anyway, I'm replacing it with a piece that says more about that world that was painted by me. I... Quicksilver

    Was talking about your album. Now, I gave you the name of it, it's literally a Louvre painting, how did you accidentally put a painting that's in one of the biggest museums in the world in your webtoon? If it's not accidental then yes, you actually made a copyright infrigement. Better hope it gets replaced or referenced accordingly in the future. Funnily enough you only seem to want to fix it now that I called you out oublicly, you had two years. Call bullshit on your sincerity but hey, as long as you change them...

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:53 pm
    I never said nor implied that. I clealry said MY ADHD, MY hyperfixation. Again, tosmartass someone you have to be smart in the first place, dumbass Sticky Socks


    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:56 pm
    Was talking about your album. Now, I gave you the name of it, it's literally a Louvre painting, how did you accidentally put a painting that's in one of the biggest museums in the world in your webtoon? If it's... Sticky Socks

    you can believe me or not. I've already been working on the piece I'm using to replace it. Anyway, I did not infringe that artist's copyright

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:57 pm
    Was talking about your album. Now, I gave you the name of it, it's literally a Louvre painting, how did you accidentally put a painting that's in one of the biggest museums in the world in your webtoon? If it's... Sticky Socks

    my album here on mgo? it's still here. not deleted

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 11:02 pm

    and with the albums I made couple of days ago "debunking" all of Sleepe's screen shots of quotes by me in her albums. She made two albums dedicated to showing quotes to prove me transphobic and other shit, the bitch. I told her that the only people who ever made albums about me were people who were in love with me.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 11:03 pm

    I stole her albums and answered her stupid claims against me

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 11:09 pm
    I thought you said you didn't give a shlt about my work. Quicksilver

    That habbit of trying so hard to reach the text limit so no one can anwser anymore is getting annoying I'll anwser them all here :
    "I thought you said you didn't give a shlt about my work."
    "why are you even looking at it?"

    You brought in the subject and called me a liar, so I proved you wrong. Simple as that, don't be mad I prove my point.

    "fixate and focus are not interchangeable"
    uh, why are there sources using them to describe the same phenomenon then?
    (that last source funnily enough lists that hyperfocs/fixation can be a benefit, whoops, seems like that's a thing you were wrong about too)

    "it's a paiinting, not a texture"
    Does it change the fact that you stole it? No, no it doesn't.

    Just like your whole point, so let's move on.

    "you can believe me or not. I've already been working on the piece I'm using to replace it. Anyway, I did not infringe that artist's copyright"
    You did. Not referencing the use of a piece you didn't paint and that is not copyright free in your own webtoon is copyright infringement.

    "my album here on mgo? it's still here. not deleted"
    Already corrected myself? If you're that desperate at least don't repeat yourself, your cover is slipping.

    "and with the albums I made couple of days ago "debunking" all of Sleepe's screen shots of quotes by me in her albums. She made two albums dedicated to showing quotes to prove me transphobic and other shit, the bitch. I told her that the only people who ever made albums about me were people who were in love with me."

    Funnily enough she made another one today... Also she asks that you unblock her as she unblocked you so you guys can argue. Also using 12 yo retorics and insults isn't helping your point or your already low credibility.

    "I stole her albums and answered her stupid claims against me"
    Kay? Do you want a cookie? Album or claim theft isn't even a thing you can gloat about because first it doesn't fucking exist, second it's screenshots so does anyone has copyright of that, third it just sounds like a pitiful attempt at being mean and/or intelligent, can't tell, doesn't matter, you're failing at both.

    Quicksilver July 17, 2021 1:22 am

    screen shots would also be infringements of copyright

    Quicksilver July 17, 2021 1:35 am

    sleepe is not blocked

    Quicksilver July 17, 2021 3:47 am

    Quicksilver July 17, 2021 4:18 am

    "You brought in the subject and called me a liar," what an idiot. why do you care if I call you a liar? It shouldn't matter one bit to you.

    Sticky Socks July 17, 2021 9:38 am

    "screen shots would also be infringements of copyright"
    Not when they don't show copyrighted content, and conversation aren't, so no they're not.
    "sleepe is not blocked"
    "user's settings". So yes you blocked them. And if they mysteriously can answer you after believe me it's gonna be hilarious.
    Boo hoo bitch, don't care.
    ""You brought in the subject and called me a liar," what an idiot. why do you care if I call you a liar? It shouldn't matter one bit to you."
    It matters because I can provide proof that you keep on lying. You have none, so that again looks bad on you, not on me.

    Quicksilver July 17, 2021 9:52 am
    "screen shots would also be infringements of copyright"Not when they don't show copyrighted content, and conversation aren't, so no they're not."sleepe is not blocked""user's settings". So yes you blocked them.... Sticky Socks

    Not when they don't show copyrighted content --LOL no shit
    Of course they can answer. that's cuz they're not blocked. duh

    Sticky Socks July 17, 2021 10:13 am

    "Not when they don't show copyrighted content --LOL no shit"
    So again you don't even have a point, you're just saying words becasue you can.

    "Of course they can answer. that's cuz they're not blocked. duh"
    I'll leave that up to Slee' now.

    Sleepé July 18, 2021 7:21 pm
    I stole her albums and answered her stupid claims against me Quicksilver

    You called the evidence fan behavior, considering the fact that you made an album first I'd say that you're our biggest fan.

    Sleepé July 18, 2021 7:21 pm
    Wait sorry if its out of topic but ain't you the same guy who's work got doxxed because you step on a landmine? MYAN

    He never got doxxed tho