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In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, ...

Quicksilver June 24, 2021 9:30 pm

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 6:13 pm
    It's funny how you deleted that album huh? because just making it public would prove there was no way it was there or any altenrative way to find your webtoon through it, and that, Doppio being the deadly hacke... Sticky Socks

    I didn't delete the album, stupid. And, no, I seriously doubt they could get at my IP, and they probably care about as much about me as I care about them. the only one who wants to threaten and be a bltch is you.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 6:33 pm
    I was offline for two days because I had important life matters to deal with. Cry about the consequences of your own actions. For a 29 year old, you sound like someone who has never lived through any hardship a... Sticky Socks

    --I have never said I don't have adhd, you self-deluded wiper of other people's bottoms. --I am especially loved by people I'm not nice to. --Go cry your red-faced, monkey eyes out, you big baby. --the person whose claim to having adhd is most dubious is you because you know almost nothing about it. maybe ask you doc to up your adderal dosage.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 6:42 pm
    I said I hyperfixated on the overuse of textures in your webtoon... That's not threatening, that was a fact. Sticky Socks

    You didn't say you hyperfixated on the overuse of textures in my webtoon. That is not what you said. Work on improving your memory. You DID make a threat, and you DID call me a thief.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 6:52 pm
    Because you said it... You can't say it didn't happen, it happened. Now if you want to apologise, I would stop bringing it up against you, but guess what you refuse to do... Oops, looks like you're at fault aga... Sticky Socks

    Like a buffoon you proudly talked about having adhd. I said people who really have it don't act that way. translation: if you really have it, stop acting like it's something to brag about. I didn't deny your adhd. I denied your common sense and consideration of others.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 6:55 pm
    Like a buffoon you proudly talked about having adhd. I said people who really have it don't act that way. translation: if you really have it, stop acting like it's something to brag about. I didn't deny your... Quicksilver

    I can't stand stupid people like you who can't comprehend anything until it's explained to them at least five times.

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 7:54 pm
    I didn't delete the album, stupid. And, no, I seriously doubt they could get at my IP, and they probably care about as much about me as I care about them. the only one who wants to threaten and be a bltch is... Quicksilver

    Oh, my bad you privated it... And whoops, no proof ever would be added of me ever expressing that ever!

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 7:59 pm
    --I have never said I don't have adhd, you self-deluded wiper of other people's bottoms. --I am especially loved by people I'm not nice to. --Go cry your red-faced, monkey eyes out, you big baby. --the perso... Quicksilver

    You literally said it... Here ( Admitting you're bullshitting hoping people will get confused is still an option :
    "Quicksilver July 12, 2021 10:07 pm
    I have adhd, which I told you. you weren't listening. I made a comment and said that you were also being a pain about it. I've been wondering if you were ever going to remember that in your rush to feel persecuted. I know plenty about adhd first hand. I've read several books on it. Again, I don't say stuff unless I know what I'm talking about"

    Like come on... If you're gonna lie, lie better.

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 8:01 pm
    You literally said it... Here ( Admitting you're bullshitting hoping people will get confused is still an option :"Quicksilver July 12, 2021 10:07 pmI ha... Sticky Socks

    Sorry, wrong link.
    You know, where you expressely told that you had sensory processing disorder, which is different than ADHD, and excluded yourself from ADHD? My question still stands, did you get magically diagnosed in a month?

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 8:15 pm
    You didn't say you hyperfixated on the overuse of textures in my webtoon. That is not what you said. Work on improving your memory. You DID make a threat, and you DID call me a thief. Quicksilver

    Well that's too bad I'm actually right innit? You did steal some of those "textures". You have a panel showing two roses drooping down and a butterfly in chapter 1.
    Turns out you didn't draw it, you cropped it. And no source is listed.
    Thankfully stopped hyperfixating after a while so I didn't dig deeper, but... Where source?

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 8:16 pm
    Like a buffoon you proudly talked about having adhd. I said people who really have it don't act that way. translation: if you really have it, stop acting like it's something to brag about. I didn't deny your... Quicksilver

    So there's a correct way for me to express how I feel... Kay'. That totally doesn't sound like sanism, nor does it smell of hypocrisy...

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 8:17 pm
    I can't stand stupid people like you who can't comprehend anything until it's explained to them at least five times. Quicksilver

    Too bad that statement can be used against you too...

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:14 pm
    Too bad that statement can be used against you too... Sticky Socks

    you said hyperfocus, not fixate.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:22 pm
    Sorry, wrong link. know, where you expressely told that you had sensory processing disorder, which is different than ADHD, and excluded yourself from ADHD? My... Sticky Socks

    many people with adhd have sensory processiing disorder. keep saying the same shit over and over and you're going to get demonstration of it. I also said at the time that I had to correct your stupid hyperfixate to hyperfocus.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:23 pm
    Sorry, wrong link. know, where you expressely told that you had sensory processing disorder, which is different than ADHD, and excluded yourself from ADHD? My... Sticky Socks

    How do you access these topics so fast?

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 10:25 pm
    you said hyperfocus, not fixate. Quicksilver

    They're actually interchangeable, if you want to smartass me, you're gonna have to smart and not just an ass.

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:26 pm

    When you trivialize adhd and make people think it's okay to not take it seriously, yes, you shouldn't act that way. you make it difficult for the rest of us.

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 10:26 pm
    many people with adhd have sensory processiing disorder. keep saying the same shit over and over and you're going to get demonstration of it. I also said at the time that I had to correct your stupid hyperfi... Quicksilver

    So you still can't disprove what I said, is what you mean?

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 10:28 pm
    How do you access these topics so fast? Quicksilver

    Because weirdly enough your arguments go in circle and I just have to cite the same links over and over again. Funny, how that is.

    Sticky Socks July 16, 2021 10:29 pm
    When you trivialize adhd and make people think it's okay to not take it seriously, yes, you shouldn't act that way. you make it difficult for the rest of us. Quicksilver

    I never said nor implied that. I clealry said MY ADHD, MY hyperfixation. Again, tosmartass someone you have to be smart in the first place, dumbass

    Quicksilver July 16, 2021 10:41 pm
    Oh, my bad you privated it... And whoops, no proof ever would be added of me ever expressing that ever! Sticky Socks

    I privated it? did you mean pirated it? It's Baroque painting in the venitas style. it's beautiful, isn't it? Anyway, I'm replacing it with a piece that says more about that world that was painted by me. I'm replacing several panels.