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In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, ...

Quicksilver June 24, 2021 9:30 pm

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 7:51 am
    Oh, so you haven't checked it's there? And you don't intend to? Mhm... Sticky Socks

    I can look through some other things if you really want. I don't think it's that big a deal. I wasn't the one who first brought up doxxing. You could take my word for it. I would not throw that word out there when I don't think dopey doxed me. what he did was shit, but it wasn't doxxing.

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 7:53 am
    Oh, so you haven't checked it's there? And you don't intend to? Mhm... Sticky Socks

    I might have it in a text file. I saved a few transcripts in plain text, not a lot. it wuldn't be difficult to search those.

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 7:55 am
    I might have it in a text file. I saved a few transcripts in plain text, not a lot. it wuldn't be difficult to search those. Quicksilver

    I don't know if you remember, but Miki said I wasn't careful enough with the link. based on that, it couldn't be called doxxing

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 7:57 am
    nah, it's not with the apology. It was probably deleted. it's not a big deal, si it? He said something about doxxing me. It could be considered doxxing, but I didn't see it that way. No personal info was... Quicksilver

    You who always ask about context, well I kinda need it here. Just saying the word doxx isnt' a crime. Asking someone to doxx you is reprehensible, but uh... Oops, no context or proof here. And boom, you weren't actually doxxed, next.

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 7:58 am
    I did check just for you, sweetheart Quicksilver

    Where is it then? Give me a link, a screenshot, anything.

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 8:01 am
    you said you were 19 and "ace" partly. you're not a lesbian. you're stubborn, prideful. You're a flirt. I don't see all that much bad stuff unless it's with your hate for me. What I do see is that you could... Quicksilver

    I am 19, only thing you didn't fuck up.
    I am ace, not partly. I never said I was a lesbian.
    I don't care about your pwecious fewwings so let's skip the rest of your temper tantrum that I could easily fip on you to say you're projecting (which you are but... You know)

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 8:03 am
    I can look through some other things if you really want. I don't think it's that big a deal. I wasn't the one who first brought up doxxing. You could take my word for it. I would not throw that word out the... Quicksilver

    So why did you try to pass it off as doxxing? You keep going in a cricle claiming you got doxxed then saying it wasn't and you're just butthurt and then it's doxxing again. Pick a struggle.

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 8:05 am
    I want to know what I said that made you cry. Quicksilver

    IDFK do I look like Kuniko, go ask them! I don't know who they're talking about we don't actually know each other.

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:07 am

    I don't have a transcript of it, but I found this, which is me talking, "You toss this word at me as if it's an okay word to even admit to in public." That's something I said in response to what he said. but, look, I don't even know if I posted that for real or if it was just something I wrote down and didn't end up posting it. so, for what it's worth........

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:09 am
    I still remember the 3.12 something out of 10 rating, I was wheezing myself while you lost your shit in that one conversation MYAN

    I guess I might have to delete this. If you hadn't butted in when you did it would have been okay.

    MYAN July 11, 2021 8:13 am
    I guess I might have to delete this. If you hadn't butted in when you did it would have been okay. Quicksilver

    Oops guess i landed on a nerve

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:14 am
    IDFK do I look like Kuniko, go ask them! I don't know who they're talking about we don't actually know each other. Sticky Socks

    I told you already. I was not the one to say I was doxxed. that was Oh_dopey

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:15 am

    dude. perspective. I would NEVER ask someone to doxx me. wth was that?

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:17 am
    IDFK do I look like Kuniko, go ask them! I don't know who they're talking about we don't actually know each other. Sticky Socks

    lmao. so it was Kuniko who posted that topic, huh? thanks for the info

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:18 am

    I didn't say I was doxxed! You did! You brought it up!

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 8:24 am
    dude. perspective. I would NEVER ask someone to doxx me. wth was that? Quicksilver

    You misunderstood. I was saying that Doppio would be in trouble if they even asked soemone else to doxx you.

    Sticky Socks July 11, 2021 8:26 am
    I didn't say I was doxxed! You did! You brought it up! Quicksilver

    So then where did the email claims start? If I am mistaken prove me wrong?

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:35 am

    and nothing to do with my fewwings. You are a flirt. Take my advice here. If you don't want someone to think you like them, don't call them things like sweetheart, daddy, baby. I should go back and get a few more of your terms of endearment, so don't blame it on me or my feelings. Next, What I said about relenting. I think you should relent on something. If for no other reason than to prove you're human. I have my doubts.

    Everyone on the entire internet is ace, by the way. LOL what a joke. Human beings are sexual creatures. I never believe any of you saying you're asexual. The human race doesn't just suddenly turn into mushrooms or something. lol amoeba maybe. ;'/You do have a sex drive, so do all the rest of you phony "aces" You don't deserve the title, ace, either. it's reserved for accomplished people. mainly in sports. A baseball pitcher is factually called the team's ace. That's not just something nice to say as a compliment. It's a baseball term. You don't get to share the podium with kazuya or his battery mate whose name escapes me. so, you know, suck me off. If you think anything I said had to do with fewwings, lol. I don't come right out and say it too often cuz it's no one's business, but I'm GAY. LOL Didn't Miki mention that? I thought he made it all too obvious. haa

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:40 am

    here. this is the whole paragraph about doxxing that I said in response to sunflower_load's saying he doxxed me: "a message was left for him in care of 키 아나-chan up above from Miki, who you were so utterly rude as to block after insulting and challenging him. If I had been toxic to ten million users, it would still be NOTHING compared to doxxing, which is like shooting into a crowd. You don't know who you're going to hit. Doxxing is the worst internet crime. It never fails to endanger. It's a crime, an invasion of privacy, a personal violation and there is no excuse for it. You toss this word at me as if it's an okay word to even admit to in public.

    Notice how I did not accuse you people of doxxing. I gave him shit for talking about doxxing like it was nothing.

    Quicksilver July 11, 2021 8:46 am
    You misunderstood. I was saying that Doppio would be in trouble if they even asked soemone else to doxx you. Sticky Socks

    what? why? I thought you guys had zero morals, conscience, and would do anything to one of your victims.