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In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, ...

Quicksilver June 24, 2021 9:30 pm

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

    MYAN July 9, 2021 5:21 pm
    Oh and btw people are obligated to have an opinion on something that can be criticized that's how society works, criticism makes the artists/aware of the issues revolving their work, speaking as an artist mysel... MYAN

    You can't just upload something to the internet and not expect criticism cuz thats not how society works

    Quicksilver July 9, 2021 6:18 pm
    You can't just upload something to the internet and not expect criticism cuz thats not how society works MYAN

    oh will you please just shut up.

    MYAN July 9, 2021 6:48 pm
    oh will you please just shut up. Quicksilver

    Damn did i hit a nerve with the first statement? ,

    Sticky Socks July 9, 2021 7:51 pm
    Wait sorry if its out of topic but ain't you the same guy who's work got doxxed because you step on a landmine? MYAN

    He admitted he was lying about it after I asked for proof (because accused me and some friends) of his email getting leaked.

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 1:25 am
    He admitted he was lying about it after I asked for proof (because accused me and some friends) of his email getting leaked. Sticky Socks

    I never admitted a single damned thing. This is you lying again. You do it compulsively. You act like you were some kind of threat to me who demanded proof. I've never ever been worried about your stupid demands. You would like for people to run away in fear of you and cower in a corner. It's all your delusional personality disorder and adhd.

    MYAN July 10, 2021 1:41 am
    I never admitted a single damned thing. This is you lying again. You do it compulsively. You act like you were some kind of threat to me who demanded proof. I've never ever been worried about your stupid de... Quicksilver

    Ain't you the same guy who claims and said "i didn't defend any rape stop lying" then the other guy you were arguing with drop a link which was going through your topic saying "I'm bored i want to find another rapist to defend" and then suddenly deleted that topic because you were being called out?

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 1:51 am
    He admitted he was lying about it after I asked for proof (because accused me and some friends) of his email getting leaked. Sticky Socks

    also, you act like you think you're some kind of dominatrix or maybe you have a mother complex. something. You're never going to dom me, got that? I don't like it. If anyone is the dom here, it's me, got that, ignorant slut?

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 2:34 am
    Ain't you the same guy who claims and said "i didn't defend any rape stop lying" then the other guy you were arguing with drop a link which was going through your topic saying "I'm bored i want to find another ... MYAN

    called out for making a joke? the story I was reading was almost finished I had been defending the artist in that cs for quite a while, plus I had friends there who would think it was funny. We had been making a stand in that cs about the enormous difference between rl rape and fantasy rape. The joke was because I wasn't actually looking for a rapist, but I was no longer in that cs because the story was finished. Isn't it obviously a joke? Who in their right mind is looking for a rapist to defend? it's silly. also, if someone takes something out of context that someone said as a joke and posts it to make it seem like they were serious, that's lying.
    If I deleted the topic it was to take away someone's lie. It was not because "Oh no I was caught trying to find rapists, child molesters, and littler bugs!" LOL Doesn't that sound pretty silly? There are people here trying to "cancel me" They have been going through every comment I ever made and pulling quotes out, trying to make me out to be a rapist or some kind of criminal. I'm not. I'm just a normal guy who sometimes likes to fight people when he hates what they're saying, usually about authors/artists.

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 2:36 am
    Wait sorry if its out of topic but ain't you the same guy who's work got doxxed because you step on a landmine? MYAN

    Nothing justifies doxxing. If you don't know why, you should really check it out. It's high on the list of worst internet crimes. If you post personal details of someone's life, you might cause them serious harm offline, their parents, children, too. It's like shooting into a crowd. You don't know who you're going to hit.

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 2:37 am
    Wait sorry if its out of topic but ain't you the same guy who's work got doxxed because you step on a landmine? MYAN

    which one are you? whose alt am I talking to? lol

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 5:34 am
    Oh and btw people are obligated to have an opinion on something that can be criticized that's how society works, criticism makes the artists/aware of the issues revolving their work, speaking as an artist mysel... MYAN

    TF? No one is obligated to have an opinion, and that's not how society works. Criticism doesn't always "make the artist aware." what a load. A bunch of know-nothings and idiots telling an artist what's wrong is worth less than zero and usually will do FAR more harm than good. Most of the time an artist knows how to do their own work. duh. That's why they're the artist, not you. Next time don't think for one minute that you represent artists. Also, if you've put your whole self into your work, criticism will hurt even if it's helpful. No one "loves criticism," but it can be invaluable. Quality criticism is worthwhile. You're so full of it. Most of what happens here is not constructive at all. Also, don't presume to tell me what's what about art. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and there's no way you can tell me anything because you're full of hate.

    MYAN July 10, 2021 8:26 am

    Nah you're too problematic i ain't arguing with you and I'm not an alt acc dumbass and you make so many enemies on this website lmao you need to get a life

    MYAN July 10, 2021 8:27 am

    Not only are you arrogant you're also too toxic and when you get called out you try to avoid the topics seriously you need to get a life

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 1:14 pm
    Not only are you arrogant you're also too toxic and when you get called out you try to avoid the topics seriously you need to get a life MYAN

    if you're not an alt, then you were already filled with prejudice against me. You spoke down to me, then when I returned it, you said this stupid insulting shlt. I'm right in everything I said to you, and if you weren't so prone to sheepdom, you might have fairly listened. You are very rude, and that stupid "get a life" cliche is so ten years ago. I still think you're an alt. the "stepped on a land mine" stupidity is from quite a while ago in the hate campaign. If you aren't an alt, you certainly have a lot of word for word hate from the street gang. a lot

    Quicksilver July 10, 2021 1:24 pm
    Not only are you arrogant you're also too toxic and when you get called out you try to avoid the topics seriously you need to get a life MYAN

    I answered you straight-up with the truth on everything. the only one avoiding things is you avoiding listening to both sides. Whoever filled you up verbatim with hate should have warned you I was going to get arrogant with your prejudiced ass.

    MYAN July 10, 2021 1:26 pm

    Girl who wouldn't hate a mf tha defend and romanticise rape in yaoi pls-

    MYAN July 10, 2021 1:27 pm

    You're the perfect example of an "idiot"

    Sticky Socks July 10, 2021 7:20 pm
    I never admitted a single damned thing. This is you lying again. You do it compulsively. You act like you were some kind of threat to me who demanded proof. I've never ever been worried about your stupid de... Quicksilver

    Oops, Freud wannabe can't prove shit about my mental health! Try again! On the other hand... Bring out the vidence you've been doxxed and that it's somehow MY fault when I wasn't involved with the drama at that time? Waiting.

    Sticky Socks July 10, 2021 7:23 pm
    also, you act like you think you're some kind of dominatrix or maybe you have a mother complex. something. You're never going to dom me, got that? I don't like it. If anyone is the dom here, it's me, got th... Quicksilver

    The ego is so big I can feel you're over compensating for something, Quickcummer.

    Sticky Socks July 10, 2021 7:26 pm
    TF? No one is obligated to have an opinion, and that's not how society works. Criticism doesn't always "make the artist aware." what a load. A bunch of know-nothings and idiots telling an artist what's wro... Quicksilver

    Lastly, stop projecting, just because you can't handle someone having an opinion doesn't mean it's everyone. Are you still angry about something that happened like THREE MONTHS AGO? that's embarassing, most people tend to get over themselves when they reach 18, but I guess there are exceptions...