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In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, ...

Quicksilver June 24, 2021 9:30 pm

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

    Sleepé July 18, 2021 7:25 pm
    and with the albums I made couple of days ago "debunking" all of Sleepe's screen shots of quotes by me in her albums. She made two albums dedicated to showing quotes to prove me transphobic and other shit, the... Quicksilver

    Awh you're so cute <3, so you were our fan, no wonder why you made that album, name-dropped a lot of people, and harassed others on their homepage, if you wanted an autograph then just say so.

    Quicksilver July 22, 2021 4:34 am
    Awh you're so cute <3, so you were our fan, no wonder why you made that album, name-dropped a lot of people, and harassed others on their homepage, if you wanted an autograph then just say so. Sleepé

    you idiots keep saying "name-dropped." Learn what it means before you use it idiotically

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 7:05 pm
    you idiots keep saying "name-dropped." Learn what it means before you use it idiotically Quicksilver

    Awh, same with you, learn how to use the words "rape" and "copyright" <3

    Quicksilver July 22, 2021 8:53 pm
    "Not when they don't show copyrighted content --LOL no shit"So again you don't even have a point, you're just saying words becasue you can."Of course they can answer. that's cuz they're not blocked. duh"I'll le... Sticky Socks

    the only copyright that was violated was mine.

    Quicksilver July 22, 2021 8:54 pm
    "Not when they don't show copyrighted content --LOL no shit"So again you don't even have a point, you're just saying words becasue you can."Of course they can answer. that's cuz they're not blocked. duh"I'll le... Sticky Socks

    and you people don't know the first thing about it

    Quicksilver July 22, 2021 8:55 pm

    and this little tag team you have going. I'm not talking to both of your asses at once

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 9:55 pm
    and this little tag team you have going. I'm not talking to both of your asses at once Quicksilver

    You can always defend yourself using your lil town of alts <3

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 9:56 pm
    and you people don't know the first thing about it Quicksilver

    oh no trust me unlike you we actually put the time in googling it.

    MYAN July 22, 2021 10:18 pm
    Awh, same with you, learn how to use the words "rape" and "copyright" <3 Sleepé

    Girl the mf knows what rape means and that mf even defends it, he made a topic months ago saying he's bored and wants to find another rapist to defend and he deleted that topic because he was getting called out for it

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 10:20 pm
    Girl the mf knows what rape means and that mf even defends it, he made a topic months ago saying he's bored and wants to find another rapist to defend and he deleted that topic because he was getting called out... MYAN

    Please I know, he thinks its some romantic fantasy that everyone dreams of TT

    MYAN July 22, 2021 10:23 pm
    Please I know, he thinks its some romantic fantasy that everyone dreams of TT Sleepé

    This why i never felt bad for him when his work got doxxed it's called something like "tripple helicopter" or sumshit like that

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 10:26 pm
    This why i never felt bad for him when his work got doxxed it's called something like "tripple helicopter" or sumshit like that MYAN

    His work never got doxxed tho, he has an album called "art from my webcomic" and it was public, a user pointed it out, then people asked for the link (lowkey all you had to do is google the title since it was in the album) he then proceeded to have it in his desc for a couple of weeks, then he removed it and made a whole sob story of us leaking it and doxxing him.

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 10:27 pm
    His work never got doxxed tho, he has an album called "art from my webcomic" and it was public, a user pointed it out, then people asked for the link (lowkey all you had to do is google the title since it was i... Sleepé

    oh he made it private btw

    MYAN July 22, 2021 10:29 pm
    His work never got doxxed tho, he has an album called "art from my webcomic" and it was public, a user pointed it out, then people asked for the link (lowkey all you had to do is google the title since it was i... Sleepé

    I know that too!! His profile has the link to his work and then i was surprised by that sob story of his that he created saying that people leaked it lmao like we wouldn't see through that lie

    Sleepé July 22, 2021 10:33 pm
    I know that too!! His profile has the link to his work and then i was surprised by that sob story of his that he created saying that people leaked it lmao like we wouldn't see through that lie MYAN

    His work is also like a patchwork of badly edited images, I pointed that out in an album that I made and mf camped in my comment section (also some of them are copyrighted )

    MYAN July 22, 2021 10:34 pm
    His work is also like a patchwork of badly edited images, I pointed that out in an album that I made and mf camped in my comment section (also some of them are copyrighted ) Sleepé

    Definitely deserved

    Quicksilver July 23, 2021 4:07 am

    Sleepe and Nicto, same song, different verse. How many times are you fools going to explain, rationalize, and make excuses for all of your bad actions? You did terrible things. You're still trying to make excuses. You're guilty as sin.
    Nictophile, you sound more like you than you. You two pretend to have a conversation but it's just a script.
    dunno why you two keep bringing up doxxing recently. It was never part of the issue

    Quicksilver July 23, 2021 4:22 am
    His work is also like a patchwork of badly edited images, I pointed that out in an album that I made and mf camped in my comment section (also some of them are copyrighted ) Sleepé

    yeah, with my copyright, which you keep violating. Face it, stupid assholes, you don't like me. That's it. The end. How bout you move on?

    Sleepé July 23, 2021 4:40 am
    Sleepe and Nicto, same song, different verse. How many times are you fools going to explain, rationalize, and make excuses for all of your bad actions? You did terrible things. You're still trying to make ex... Quicksilver

    huh, what did we do again? oh right I forgot, not everyone likes to get called out on their bullshit, which is exactly what me and Nictophile did, we called you out. Also how tf is it even scripted???? what convo are you even talking about???? we didn't talk to each other in this thread??

    Sleepé July 23, 2021 4:42 am
    yeah, with my copyright, which you keep violating. Face it, stupid assholes, you don't like me. That's it. The end. How bout you move on? Quicksilver

    huh, what do you mean face it? we never said that we liked you or tried to convince ourselves otherwise, also how about you move on too?