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half way through and giving up

sadface99 June 24, 2021 6:00 pm

I two problems with the story
1. I understand women at that were submission and all. So, she loved or used her brother for herself then why did she gave up half way through.
2. She technically knew that he was devil/monster and still cared enough to go back to him and loved from the beginning knowing the fact that he is her brother. So, why she so dissatisfied.?
No offensive after looking at the raws I could only say she is a slut right?

    Haki June 28, 2021 8:02 am

    The next chapters explains a bit

    Miss_Saigon619 June 28, 2021 9:03 am

    So, this is where I remind everyone that reading the raws in this story will NOT give you any idea what is truly going on.

    She also is not a slut because she chooses to sleep with another person. She is at most toxic for using her step son (who she does genuinely like in a form) to harm her partner to confirm if he truly loves her/other fucked up shit because she is a victim of multiple forms of abuse.

    However, step son is fully aware that she will never leave her *not* brother. He also knows why she wants him and refers to her seducing him as her having a little riot. He agrees to help her because he is enamored with her but knows about Jo being a demon thingy that can't die.... so.... bad choices all around?