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Cain or Yahwi?

Ohiyou June 24, 2021 5:04 am

I thought Cain was a mysterious character. But he literally was his pet dog in past life. If that's all to it. Istg jooin and Cain are much better pair. I'm not against Yahwi. But he treated jooin like trash and now after getting dumped for real he wants jooin. To me it feels more like he doesn't want Cain to have jooin. He is being manipulative at this point. And jooin is seriously dumb. He has such weak resolution, neither he is giving time to himself nor is he thinking about his relationships. He is just going with the flow. Even if he doesn't want Cain and wants Yahwi or neither, he should clear with them. He is aware of what he wants. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
