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MY Theory:

ShenPie June 23, 2021 6:35 am


●Judging from "the" Dream the man has a brownish blonde hair so like the ML is the cutie one... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
《《《《(this is theory)
●She(FL) had more (bonding-time) "chemistry" with the blonde hair cutie one(⌒▽⌒)

●On the last panel one of the translator/member (? Dunno) said
.."Can't I jist give you my FIST"... (⊙…⊙ )
《 《 《 [Why would she say that? Dont tell me Sun-Bae (black haired) is a JERK?] ╥﹏╥

<<<<<<<<<<< So far this is are hints, WHO KNOWS? WHAT IF A BIG PLOT WILL BLOOM?! ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Jijiyu June 24, 2021 10:03 am

    I think on the last panel, the ‘can’t I just give you my fist’ refers to the gurl pouring beer for our black haired ml

    ShenPie June 25, 2021 6:41 am
    I think on the last panel, the ‘can’t I just give you my fist’ refers to the gurl pouring beer for our black haired ml Jijiyu

    Well hmmmm... maybe
    mine is just a theory tho

    Zen Zen July 2, 2021 6:55 pm

    I think the author did that (hair color) to throw off viewers. But if you look at the manner of speech, hairstyle, clothes, etc. it is actually unlikely to be cutie boi. Not only that but the whole reason she got involved with the richies is because of her dad and stuff and the dark haired sunbae. Obviously I think there is a chance she could end up with cutie boi, but if we are looking at the plot line and other cues given then I think it’s unlikely

    ShenPie July 5, 2021 12:57 pm
    I think the author did that (hair color) to throw off viewers. But if you look at the manner of speech, hairstyle, clothes, etc. it is actually unlikely to be cutie boi. Not only that but the whole reason she g... Zen Zen

    Damn thats factsss but for real I really do ship her with sunbae(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    So if FL ends up with cinnamon bun Im gonna cry ╥﹏╥