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Oh the memories, but what a shame!

CoffeeAddict June 23, 2021 1:33 am

( ̄へ ̄)It took me a minute to find this manga and to reread it, I recall being invested in this and like it a lot- but to be frank, since I came back to read this, it's a bore. a snooze fest to be honest. I'm not sure if parts are missing or not. I'll have to rate this a 2 out of five.

The plot wasn't as great as I thought it was, the ending left so many questions, the artwork is wonky (maybe because I'm used to the newer style ) it's a shame to be honest that it didn't aged well-liked I'd hope it would. Most mangas that I've read back when I was getting into manage didn't hold it's expectations, but there are few that did and I'm grateful for it.

Also, it was like I was reading a book- not much eye-catching scenes or anything that made me feel a way how some stories does.

Maybe in another fifteen years I'll go back and reread this. But it won't be anytime soon.

What a big letdown.
