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Im just ranting here so you can just ignore my comment

RhythmD2 June 23, 2021 1:23 am

Useless? Who's more useless in family??? Isnt that you??? What? You dont support your son's nor your daughter's future anymore cuz your wife died??? Do you really think your wife will be proud of that?? And your behavior for God's sake! Smoking and drinking(?)!!! YOUR the one who's being uselss to the family for wasting your fucking precious money on CIGARETTE and ALCOHOL(?)

You bastard. Move the fuck on. You cant support your family if the only thing you do is just mopping around saying bad shits to your son. I hope your son abandon you for being such a jerk of a father. But you see he's not like that. Jesus christ. Why are most father's like this?? If your wife sees you right now, she's most likely want to file a divorce. If not then thats just me. Cant believe that the sperm donor of that precious baby is you. I hope you suffer more.

Im just ranting here in the comments cuz i have the same experience with my dad in my childhood. I know, i know he probably has a job and he's working hard, but thats no excuse for treating your children like shit after your wife died. Srly.
