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I am tired

Just Me June 22, 2021 1:24 pm

Can you like..maybe stop deleting chapters? Or at least explain why you're deleting it??
(This is obviously directed to the person deleting the chapters.)

    Sumersunlight June 24, 2021 8:23 pm

    They were kunmanga uploads. As someone said the people who want crowd to their site upload here it's not the fault of the og uploader

    Rantaro is cool June 26, 2021 4:09 pm
    They were kunmanga uploads. As someone said the people who want crowd to their site upload here it's not the fault of the og uploader Sumersunlight

    Ah I see. I just found it annoying getting a notif this manhwa updated when it turns out it just lost chapters. Thx for the info