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Like i dont understanddd

Hamber the yaoi kid June 22, 2021 4:04 am

Is it me or is everyone of his sentences basically includes switch?
Sorry if you don't understand but for example - imagine he says "I know you want me in you"
And the next person is like "No I don't". It's like he's forcing his words onto him.. and boy oh boy I feel uncomfortable. Like i don't understanddd but of course I'm still gonna read it UvU

    Bobbly June 22, 2021 5:03 am

    Yep, the guys doing some kinda weird fucked up role play. It’s like he likes the fact that he has the control to FORCE someone to give him consent (which defeats the entire purpose of “consent”) and then plays it off as if the victim is the one that’s “begging” for him. Yeah god I was so hyped up by the art...I mean I’m still gonna read it but this entire story so far is really off putting to me too lmfao

    Hamber the yaoi kid June 22, 2021 12:38 pm
    Yep, the guys doing some kinda weird fucked up role play. It’s like he likes the fact that he has the control to FORCE someone to give him consent (which defeats the entire purpose of “consent”) and then ... Bobbly

    Yeah exactlyyy