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Omfg sovieshit- Ik ur a hopeless price of absolute trash but wanting to remarry UR DIVORC...

Sswan June 21, 2021 11:36 pm

Omfg sovieshit-
Ik ur a hopeless price of absolute trash but wanting to remarry UR DIVORCED WIFE again THAT YOU DIVORCED is fucking greedy
Like stfu the second u guys part ways u shoulda kept quiet and waste ur happy little life with that bitch trashta
The fucking idiot-
he knows trashta can’t be a decent queen yet he decided to divorce navier (WHO IN FACT IS A MUCH BETTER QUEEN)

But like it’s all good now cause Navier and Heinley got together (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Ocean_127 June 22, 2021 12:04 am

    Exactly. Sovieshit is absolute trash and I want to fucking murder him and cut him up into pieces and let him rot away. Fucking hate this asshole but yay that Heinrey and Navier and together and they will push this asshole away. They shall get rid of this son of a bitch.