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@Bruholdup, agree that it's only the first chapter, and really down to a matter of taste. ...

Anonymous June 21, 2021 3:56 pm

@Bruholdup, agree that it's only the first chapter, and really down to a matter of taste. The binary dynamics are popular for a reason, and some author's basically spend their career writing similar binary characters in different settings because their audience enjoys it.

However, given that this story is basically (so far) just a repeat of Stigmata, bar the differences of the superior being in a coma and it set from 2020 onwards, it's a bit of a let down. Especially given how refreshing Yuki to Matsu was. That manga's ending, where the characters are older and the author depicts a changing Japan now in the era of the Meiji Restoration... it was just a nice touch, to show that life isn't all about the early days of a relationship like most yaoi, but the rest of her/his stories only seem to focus on this early stage of a relationship the lust and honeymoon period as opposed to tackling more substantial issues such as ageing and cultural shifts like in Yuki to Matsu. (Basically we know the author can be more diverse and meaningful, but they seem to be only making more cliche stories)
