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Theyre both at fault

I Like Eating Shit June 20, 2021 8:10 pm

I really think its the lack of communication between character is one of the major problem here they cant communicate to each other very instead of interacting they are stalling doing maybe waiting for someone else to initiate if they keep up that kind if behaviour its better for them not end up to each other i need charac developement its frustatrating to see the unending misundestandings

Kouta's attitude really need to change he need to stop being timid and thinking too much but u cant blame him cuz its Harutos fault, kouta thinks haruto is not satisfied with him so haruto go out with girls that majes him insecure and also Haruto should stop going out with other girls too much he should let go of his mask they just keep hurting each other cuz of lack communication is really the problem at this point they should know each other personal life much better

I can point every problem in this manga but i think this will be enough
