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Don't bother reading for the plot

DontPanic June 18, 2021 9:26 pm

Actually, don't bother reading it for the smut either cause the shitty plot is definitely going to turn you off immediately.
They're both so fkn insecure, which is okay. If they could at least talk about it??? You're fucking adults right? At least her, I can understand a *little* bit, she has trauma over her ex cheating on her, so she didn't want to open up to him, wanted to protect herself. Still shitty of her to not have been clear about what she's looking for and that bs she pulled with her friend. But him??? Does she have to make you feel like a man or something? Wtf dude. Oh boo hoo, her job is better than yours, so you think she's making fun of you or belittling you. First of all, you're listening to your absolutely fucking trash friends on advice about women and relationships, on top of that you're doing whatever you please without even talking to her about it. Pressuring her into dating you after meeting her twice, and then getting mad all on your own. His masculinity is so fragile, they need to put it in bubble wrap.
They're both clearly incapable of having and maintaining healthy relationships, you need a match made in therapy instead, Jesus.
