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My brother's prolly gay and that's NOT okay

Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:06 pm

First of all this story is hella fucked up. Second of all I need some genuine advice. So my lil bro always twerks and loves to show off his butt(indecent brat). But has gone much worse. I caught him afew days ago rubbing his hole...on a chair and today he placed my hand on his "boobs" ( he's fat bur don't call him that) and told me to squeeze them . I almost passed out. May I remind you he's FUCKIN 9 years. Can you believe it? He can be gay but I still love him. Although my parents are extremely homophobic. I don't know what to do and it's getting out of control. Please don't judge me T^T me out#-.-)

    alex June 18, 2021 7:12 pm

    try asking him if he likes guys maybe? like try to find out for SURE if he's gay, maybe he's just horny who knows

    Xiajun June 18, 2021 7:14 pm

    Tbh I don't have a solution and my bro is also like like ┗( T﹏T )┛and he's 12, well he doesn't rubs his hole but he literally used to masturbate at 9 tf and shows me his butt and even rubbed his naked butt on my face once ╥﹏╥ plus he likes groping my dad's chest and butt :) [Please this aint incest or smt︵‿︵(´ ༎ ʖ ༎ `)︵‿︵] damn my dad doesn't do anything and my mom always complain to my dad that their son's becoming homo (-"-;)
    And he's bi curious for now ig.... But tbh I think doing these stuff before puberty shouldn't be normalized, like at least be sexually matured ಥ‿ಥ

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:15 pm
    try asking him if he likes guys maybe? like try to find out for SURE if he's gay, maybe he's just horny who knows alex

    My mom asked him once and when he said yes she got mad so i don't think he will answer honestly

    uwuar June 18, 2021 7:17 pm

    he might not be gay at all and is doing this to annoy you yk.. just say to sit down and stop being annoying cus man children these days know wAYYYY TO MUCH

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:18 pm
    Tbh I don't have a solution and my bro is also like like ┗( T﹏T )┛and he's 12, well he doesn't rubs his hole but he literally used to masturbate at 9 tf and shows me his butt and even rubbed his naked bu... Xiajun

    Your...face? But bro they are literally sexually harassing us ╥﹏╥ . And he masturbated? WHAT!?!? I just hope mine doesn't put his fingers there or something. They shouldn't do these stuff before puberty at least. But the fact that they are both kids is really concerning to me ┗( T﹏T )┛

    alex June 18, 2021 7:19 pm
    Tbh I don't have a solution and my bro is also like like ┗( T﹏T )┛and he's 12, well he doesn't rubs his hole but he literally used to masturbate at 9 tf and shows me his butt and even rubbed his naked bu... Xiajun

    i actually agree on the "it shouldn't be normalized part". him masturbating and rubbing himself in front of you is NOT okay, y'all gotta teach him that or he's gonna end up being that kinda person after he grows up. im not talking bout him being gay btw, this is a completely different matter

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:19 pm
    he might not be gay at all and is doing this to annoy you yk.. just say to sit down and stop being annoying cus man children these days know wAYYYY TO MUCH uwuar

    His favourite song is WAP. Also he was doing that stuff in private so...

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:21 pm
    i actually agree on the "it shouldn't be normalized part". him masturbating and rubbing himself in front of you is NOT okay, y'all gotta teach him that or he's gonna end up being that kinda person after he grow... alex

    Ifkr. But my mom always brushes me off saying he's a kid. Also he has underarms hair which is also weird at this age. I feel bc of his indecent behaviour his body is maturing more faster than it should

    um- June 18, 2021 7:22 pm

    kids do usually do this, and its just them feeling themselves up, just not knowing what it is. what you do, is you walk him to a private area, and explain to him if you want to touch yourself, you can only do it in your own room and privately. you cannot touch other people's parts, and if he is gonna do it, do it with clean hands. if you catch him again, just explain to him the same thing once again, but make sure you do it nicely. Eventually he'll most likely catch on, and start to understand he can't do it outside of his room, and only privately

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:27 pm
    kids do usually do this, and its just them feeling themselves up, just not knowing what it is. what you do, is you walk him to a private area, and explain to him if you want to touch yourself, you can only do i... um-

    Ooh, okay I will try that. But isn't it too early for him to do that? He's 9 so he even hasn't hit puberty yet. I don't want him to turn into Pico ( Boku no Pico)

    alex June 18, 2021 7:28 pm
    Ifkr. But my mom always brushes me off saying he's a kid. Also he has underarms hair which is also weird at this age. I feel bc of his indecent behaviour his body is maturing more faster than it should Mai-chan

    ah, i think it's the opposite, i think he's doing that cus he's maturing fast. that explains the body hair. puberty probably hit him early

    um- June 18, 2021 7:29 pm
    Ooh, okay I will try that. But isn't it too early for him to do that? He's 9 so he even hasn't hit puberty yet. I don't want him to turn into Pico ( Boku no Pico) Mai-chan

    its pretty normal, even as kids many will rub their private parts up against their stuffies and stuff cause it feels good. i just wouldn't tell him its masturbation or sexual, and just let him do it as long as he's doing it privately and safely

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:31 pm
    ah, i think it's the opposite, i think he's doing that cus he's maturing fast. that explains the body hair. puberty probably hit him early alex

    Wow maybe you are right. He eats so much so he's fat and getting tall. Maybe that explains his armpits. Never thought of it that way

    alex June 18, 2021 7:37 pm
    Wow maybe you are right. He eats so much so he's fat and getting tall. Maybe that explains his armpits. Never thought of it that way Mai-chan

    yep, just tell him it's not okay to do that stuff until he's old enough to understand it himself, you're his sissy afterall, glad i cud help

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:46 pm
    yep, just tell him it's not okay to do that stuff until he's old enough to understand it himself, you're his sissy afterall, glad i cud help alex

    Hehe thanks ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Xiajun June 18, 2021 7:56 pm
    he might not be gay at all and is doing this to annoy you yk.. just say to sit down and stop being annoying cus man children these days know wAYYYY TO MUCH uwuar

    Fr idk how can kids who haven't even supposed to be sexually matured feel themselves? ( ;∀;)

    Mai-chan June 18, 2021 7:59 pm
    Fr idk how can kids who haven't even supposed to be sexually matured feel themselves? ( ;∀;) Xiajun

    Ifkr. That's just plain weird