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Nice, unproblematic and simple

AxelNeuman88 June 18, 2021 5:39 pm

Aramiya Satoshi is a friendly hermit, he lives a simple life, enjoying each and every day with a broad smile on his face. But his peace is always disrupted by armies that are trying to capture him due to his supernatural abilities of unknown origins and seemingly without any limits. Who is he and why a child genius named Grimm is so invested in him?

The story is simple, enjoyable, and uncomplicated. There is no real deep meaning behind the story so it reads easily and quickly. The main characters - Aramiya Satoshi and Grimm are both fairly engaging in their different approaches to life. Aramiya Satoshi had a turbulent past, but despite it, he is friendly, a bit naive, and he still finds joy in a simple, carefree life. Grimm is a young genius, at 10 years he published a scientific thesis that changed the world, he is arrogant, cocky and full of nervous energy. The dynamic between them is interesting and the story would only gain more if we saw more of it e.g. how their approaches to life and their life, in general, changed thanks to each other.

Nevertheless, I digress, the story is nice, the characters are cute and the manga panels are animated and bright.
