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Cee June 18, 2021 10:14 am

What the fucking hell......................... this is such a depressing story. Like it wasn't sad, if it was sad I would have cried. THIS WAS JUST STRAIGHT UP DEPRESSING!

And I usually like smut, but in this story I feel like it just got in the way....

Spoiler if you didn't read it yet, tho you probably already saw

I really thought that at the very least she would have lived and went on with her own life. But nope, she committed suicide and dragged her just born baby with her.

At the end of her suicide i was really hoping that the baby magically survived and washed ashore and someone found it and took care of it. That scene never came.

I also thought it would be something like Que Sera Sera, which if you haven't read yet, has the pregnancy and secrecy of the pregnancy, but much, much, MUCH happier
