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Anybody here confused about their sexuality? Cuz I know I am and as pathetic as it sounds ...

Rianan D Halmsu July 24, 2016 6:47 pm

Anybody here confused about their sexuality? Cuz I know I am and as pathetic as it sounds I don't want to know that I'm alone ;-;

    Anonymous July 24, 2016 6:57 pm

    me! lately i've been having thoughts about my preferences

    lunaez July 24, 2016 6:58 pm

    OH, you are definitely not alone. I'm sure of that. I like to think that sexuality is a very fluid thing and also so complex.

    SugarySuga July 24, 2016 7:19 pm

    Me. I think the closest thing I can be is asexual, but even that's not right.
    It's hard to explain :/

    silveroses July 24, 2016 7:20 pm

    Me too. I still don't know what I am...

    normal_human July 24, 2016 7:40 pm

    You're not alone; don't worry. Sexuality changes all the time, and preferences float in and out. It's like how one year you might like milk chocolate but the next you like white chocolate, and then the next you like both. It changes! But there's nothing to be worried about. I can tell you that, because I went through it a couple of months back, going from straight to pansexual. It just takes time. Be true to yourself, and if you have any close friends it's important to discuss that with them. You'll find that when you have a supporting group of people around you, it makes the struggle to find yourself so much easier. Plus, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here, so go ahead and message me on my profile if you'd like!

    Ed July 24, 2016 8:00 pm

    You don't have to worry too much, sexualty is a spectrum, from heterosexualty to homosexualty and from asexualty to alosexualty. Furthermore, it's completely fluid, it may stagnate in some points of your life for various factors but it may change in the same way. You don't really have to put yourself in a box, it's a good way to fight for rights in society but only that. Feel free to be unsure, just feel free to be yourself. :)

    JiminsJamsInJungkooksPants July 25, 2016 12:22 am

    well not confused it's just that i never think about and i don't feel sexually or romantically attracted to any gender but what.. i'm still young

    Rianan D Halmsu July 27, 2016 7:31 am
    well not confused it's just that i never think about and i don't feel sexually or romantically attracted to any gender but what.. i'm still young JiminsJamsInJungkooksPants

    "Young" as in? Reached puberty though, right?

    Rianan D Halmsu July 27, 2016 7:32 am
    Me. I think the closest thing I can be is asexual, but even that's not right.It's hard to explain :/ SugarySuga

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat XD It's hard to explain pretty much sums up the entire confusion, along with "asexual".

    Rianan D Halmsu July 27, 2016 7:34 am
    You don't have to worry too much, sexualty is a spectrum, from heterosexualty to homosexualty and from asexualty to alosexualty. Furthermore, it's completely fluid, it may stagnate in some points of your life f... Ed

    Thanks a lot :) It felt really nice to read your reply. :D

    Rianan D Halmsu July 27, 2016 7:39 am
    You're not alone; don't worry. Sexuality changes all the time, and preferences float in and out. It's like how one year you might like milk chocolate but the next you like white chocolate, and then the next you... normal_human

    Hi, and thanks so much for your reply :D
    No, I wouldn't really share my sexual preferences with my friends because I don't think they will really understand because all of them are straight and I'm not really sure I'll be comfortable with telling them in the first place; plus I live in a country where there are still many homophobic people or people who are most likely to be wary of anyone who is not straight so yeah. Wow that sentence had a lot of conjunctions. XD
    And yes, it would be lovely talking to you regarding this :D Shall I go ahead and message you, then?

    Rianan D Halmsu July 27, 2016 7:40 am
    "Young" as in? Reached puberty though, right? Rianan D Halmsu

    Because if you have and still don't feel attracted to any gender...maybe you are asexual?

    JiminsJamsInJungkooksPants July 27, 2016 8:35 pm
    Because if you have and still don't feel attracted to any gender...maybe you are asexual? Rianan D Halmsu

    hhmm... could be but i'm still 14 so i don't now what will happen in the future but i will just let it happen(whatever will happen in the future)