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The cover of this chapter is just so beautiful.What I loved the most is the fact that shiz...

Ereka June 17, 2021 8:50 am

The cover of this chapter is just so beautiful.What I loved the most is the fact that shizuragi was never one-sided, it wasn't just shizu who was following hiiragi everywhere but hiiragi is the one who took shizu's hand dragging shizu with him everywhere, never leaving him alone.
Even as a kid, shizu had given up on everything. Even when all the kids his age are fighting for the golden origami paper(there is only one golden paper, so it is special), he doesn't really desire it since everyone wants it. Little hiiragi got the golden sheet and is really happy to have it, but gives it to shizu even though he wants it for himself so badly. His expressions are just so adorable. This was the first time, shizu genuinely smiled because he felt like he is someone special because of the golden origami.
Shizu acting mature even when he is supposed to be playful like other kids, just shows that he wasn't raised like other kids. He had said it himself that he had experienced awful life as a foster kid. Ever since he was a kid he was always wearing a poker face, maybe it was to protect himself.
Of all the highschoolers in given, I think he acts quite mature for his age. It could be because he had to grow up quickly and wasn't allowed to act normal like the kids his age due to his rough upbringing.
I'm so impressed with hiiragi in this chapter. I'm so proud of him. He went through a realization about his feelings for shizu, tho his feelings were always there, he was scared to say it out aloud. In this chapter, he confidently told shizu that he loves him. The way he hugged shizu was so sweet and wholesome.
Shizu never expected hiiragi's confession, his shocked face confirms it. Shizu was never loved by anyone, not by family, even in his friend group he was an outsider who was just watching everything. He has a low opinion of himself. He had given up on love, doesn't expect to be loved. He wouldn't even know how it is like to be loved by someone. But then hiiragi enters his life like a light in his dark world. I had always noticed that shizu is always associated with black color. Whenever the story focuses on him the background used is always dark/black(night).
Though the sex scene isn't detailed, there are some very interesting things to note there. Shizu had always held back when it comes to hiiragi. The hugs between them or any skinship is always initiated by hiiragi. He is the one who hugs shizu tightly, sleeps on his chest, sleeps close to shizu in his bed. But shizu never initiates anything, he just lets hiiragi do whatever he wants. He doesn't want to taint hiiragi. Even in this chapter, shizu is not hugging hiiragi back. It is still one-sided from hiiragi's part. When hiiragi confessed to him, he didn't reply. Maybe he was just too shocked to say anything. But I think shizu will understand how to express himself better. We still don't know much about him, he has become so unpredictable.Or I could be wrong, there is one huge difference between shizuragi and other couples which is that Shizuragi had known each other for practically all their lives while the others might not know each other that well. So shizuragi can have their own way of communicating their feelings to each other. Of course, communition is very important but there can be different ways of communicating.
I don't know what shizu is thinking or whether he is fully convinced or not. I NEVER thought he would agree to have sex with hiiragi so soon. So I thing with this, the shizuragi problems aren't really solved.
As for shizu's laugh there can be various ways to interpret it, hiiragi saw shizu laughing for the first time after so many years when he last laughed when hiiragi had given him the golden origami.
Hiiragi's narration in this chapter focuses a lot on him wanting to see shizu smile. He has this blurred memory of shizu smiling for the first time when they were little. And I think it would've been the same as he saw in this chapter. since shizu's full expression is blurred in his memory, he was taken aback by shizu's smile. Maybe it looked that scary because his facial muscles aren't used to it. But hiiragi is content in the end. And that's what matters.
The sex wasn't non-consensual since hiiragi went to shizu's home for that because he clearly says "say you want me too"," and "I'll give all of myself to you". Only then shizu did something. Shizu kept asking him multiple times if he is alright. And hiiragi crying is nothing new. He always cries easily in front of shizu over little things. That's why shizu said," you're going to cry for sure". And hiiragi did because hiiragi always cries a lot so of course he is gonna cry because it was his first time having sex. He even gets annoyed when shizu keeps asking him if he's fine. He yells at shizu to stop asking every single time. But then shizu laughs which might've been a wrong time to do so. Shizu's laugh which he had never since since their kindergarten, made him scared. And that's it. But hiiragi is happy that shizu laughed while showing his teeth.
Shizu is so broken, he still hasn't given himself completely to hiiragi. I don't think this chapter was supposed to happy end for shizu and hiiragi. Unless I see shizu crying, being vulnerable with hiiragi, finding his passion in music, being convinced that he deserves to be loved, I won't say the problems between them are solved. I'm patiently waiting for months to see shizu's POV.
This chapter wasn't supposed to solve things between them magically, but it will create new problems. Because the most important part of hiiragi's arc is SYH debut,syh and ritsuka's growth as artists, ritsuka's problems with mafuyu and hiiragi's problems with shizu. So i expect most of them to be solved during and after their debut and Yuki's song will play an important role in it since problems in this arc includes all of his childhood friends.

    Kyon June 17, 2021 9:10 am

    Everything written is exactly my feelings about them. Thank you

    Artbreaker June 17, 2021 9:53 am

    Thank you so much! This is really on point. There are two chapters to go until the volume ends. So for sure we need Shizus POV & (like in the last volumes) some kind of talk after a concert/the debut.