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I rarely enjoy a past with ex love story more than the newfound endgame lover. This is wel...

Bubbles June 16, 2021 6:39 pm

I rarely enjoy a past with ex love story more than the newfound endgame lover. This is well written? The unsaid feelings? Tha fact that it feels realistic? How ppl really shouldn't waste the time they have together?

Can I consider Kido and Rio as "right person but wrong time?"

This is gonna be in my favourites.

    menxx2020 June 27, 2021 2:11 am

    I don't think they're considered as "right person but wrong time" kind of fate.

    In my POV, Kido is straight and was just lead to temptation of his lust to try out Rio coz he experienced him 'sucking his dick out' that's better than any woman he had. But Kido thinking of getting married means he's never got serious with Rio in a sense of having a deep romantic relationship with him.

    So that's why he's really not the right person neither for each other. They've just been lead by their pent up lust given also the environment they're in - eriting erotic novels. Same with Rio's side, he's only changed his POV with Kido as someone who's possibly can be his lover due to the circumstances they've been but also knows he'll never be his coz of him wanting to have the normal life.

    Arghhh seriously! Just why do people waste time going deep with others when they won't be together for life. Anyways.. that's just my all POV hehe