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An opinion.

Thelostsoul June 15, 2021 12:01 pm

Everyone when the seme is a whore: "He's toxic but sooo hot, if the seme changes then I can forgive him, no big deal, uwu daddy."

Everyone when the uke is a "whore": " What a slut, so disgusting, I don't like the uke, the uke is trash."

The double standards are so real. It shows how some of you think of women vs men. If a woman has sex with multiple people then she's a disgusting whore but if a man has sex with multiple people then it's normal? F*ck you if you can't respect people and their bodies.

    your mom June 15, 2021 12:10 pm


    Omegaflower June 15, 2021 12:16 pm

    Just some thing I've observed but I have never seen anyone slut shaming Uke and when someone does that then so many people would reply with insults, etc. On the other hand if the Seme sleeps with another dude then all hell breaks loose, people call him a looser, trash, toxic, player etc. ESPECIALLY if the two are in a sexual relationship. People will always insult the Seme by calling him a cheater EVEN THOUGH they were never in a romantic relationship in the first place. From my observation, Semes are criticized more often than Ukes. That's the double standard I absolutely think is unfair. Just from the comment section alone, you can see that everyone is criticizing the Seme for slut shaming him and no one is insulting the uke. Also, this has nothing to do with men vs. women. This is a story about gay men not heteros. Ofc real life would differ from a manhwa.

    Nillabean June 15, 2021 12:23 pm
    Just some thing I've observed but I have never seen anyone slut shaming Uke and when someone does that then so many people would reply with insults, etc. On the other hand if the Seme sleeps with another dude t... Omegaflower

    People take this stuff way too seriously, that’s all I can say.

    Thelostsoul June 15, 2021 12:27 pm
    Just some thing I've observed but I have never seen anyone slut shaming Uke and when someone does that then so many people would reply with insults, etc. On the other hand if the Seme sleeps with another dude t... Omegaflower

    I see it so often, especially beneath the manga of one where the uke is either an omega or prostitute. I respect your opinion but I think completely otherwise. Search in the earlier comments for what I am talking about for context.

    My point of bringing up men vs women, is to compare the roles. The same logic applies if you actually think about it.

    Omegaflower June 15, 2021 12:38 pm
    People take this stuff way too seriously, that’s all I can say. Nillabean

    Ig it's because they're linking it to real life scenarios. And the women who read this sometimes sometimes view the Ukes experience through the eyes of a women. I don't know how to explain it properly bcz my English isn't very good but I hope it made sense.

    Thelostsoul June 15, 2021 1:03 pm
    Ig it's because they're linking it to real life scenarios. And the women who read this sometimes sometimes view the Ukes experience through the eyes of a women. I don't know how to explain it properly bcz my En... Omegaflower

    Your English is well, we just agree to disagree

    Nillabean June 16, 2021 12:19 am
    Ig it's because they're linking it to real life scenarios. And the women who read this sometimes sometimes view the Ukes experience through the eyes of a women. I don't know how to explain it properly bcz my En... Omegaflower

    Don’t worry, it made sense. If they want to link it to real life scenarios, fine. But I’m tired of people just condemning fictional works because everything is not super healthy or perfect. It’s fiction it doesn’t have to be.

    Thelostsoul June 16, 2021 2:14 am
    Don’t worry, it made sense. If they want to link it to real life scenarios, fine. But I’m tired of people just condemning fictional works because everything is not super healthy or perfect. It’s fiction i... Nillabean

    If you're tired of people like me then ignore me. Give my comment a dislike and move on, throwing shade is unnecessary and benefits no one. It's my opinion as I said in the title.

    Nillabean June 16, 2021 12:05 pm
    If you're tired of people like me then ignore me. Give my comment a dislike and move on, throwing shade is unnecessary and benefits no one. It's my opinion as I said in the title. Thelostsoul

    I mean I’ve been replying to someone else’s comment on your thread but it’s fine.

    Thelostsoul June 16, 2021 12:09 pm
    I mean I’ve been replying to someone else’s comment on your thread but it’s fine. Nillabean

    Your comments are clearly directed at me, regardless of who you are responding to.

    Nillabean June 16, 2021 12:27 pm
    Your comments are clearly directed at me, regardless of who you are responding to. Thelostsoul

    Not really, it’s a general opinion. Sorry if you feel like I’m singling you out, it’s not my intention.

    Thelostsoul June 16, 2021 12:48 pm
    Not really, it’s a general opinion. Sorry if you feel like I’m singling you out, it’s not my intention. Nillabean

    I thought you were throwing shade at me, if that wasn't your intention then I apologize for misunderstanding you. People here always attack me for my opinion so I end up deleting my comments out of a lack of confidence—trying to change that. No worries, agree to disagree.

    хорошего дня!!

    Nillabean June 16, 2021 2:20 pm
    I thought you were throwing shade at me, if that wasn't your intention then I apologize for misunderstanding you. People here always attack me for my opinion so I end up deleting my comments out of a lack of co... Thelostsoul

    Definitely don’t delete it even if people disagree with you, you’re allowed to have an opinion. And yeah, agree to disagree :)) have a great day

    Thelostsoul June 16, 2021 9:41 pm
    Definitely don’t delete it even if people disagree with you, you’re allowed to have an opinion. And yeah, agree to disagree :)) have a great day Nillabean

    Thanks :)