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@Sita27, Thank god someone here has some sense! (Sorry I can't respond to you directly - ...

Anonymous June 15, 2021 10:10 am

@Sita27, Thank god someone here has some sense! (Sorry I can't respond to you directly - I hope you see this sometime…) The MC is literally a perverted, creepy old lolicon in a child's body (talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!).

I also hate how in the comments I'm seeing a number of people who are calling out the maid and either not the father, or not berating him enough - I'm actually glad she didn't get fired, because I doubt it's at all her fault. Employer-employee rape is a real thing; she probably didn't feel that she could refuse him. And this is especially likely since you can see that she's already teaching her own daughter to treat her own half-brother as her "master"! (I skimmed ahead or saw that in one of the spinoffs; I actually haven't caught up on this manga in a long time.)

    707 June 28, 2021 1:48 am

    No both the maid and the father at fault and maid said she seduced the father!!! I feel sorry for the wife! I watched the anime until ep 4 but the father cheated on his wife. I really thought he was a good man. I already dropped it

    Modoka_chan July 2, 2021 10:05 am

    I didn’t liked that either- It’s a good Isekai so far if they would just remove some things like that and this..

    casheuu July 12, 2021 7:21 am
    I didn’t liked that either- It’s a good Isekai so far if they would just remove some things like that and this.. Modoka_chan


    SolracXV July 12, 2021 2:29 pm

    Is getting to be a thing for people to trash talk about books that they aren't even reading?
    There are a bunch of disturbing events in this book, but you seem to assume it is portrayed as good or even promoted by the author, when in reality, it is not the case.
    I don't know about how shitty the MC was written in the other versions of the story he seems shitty enough to me in this one and I honestly don't care, I don't have the free time to do that kind of digging and I'm not that kind of fan either.