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I really wished, it had the rape tag. I am not feeling good. Chapter 16 and 17 should had ...

yuki* June 14, 2021 11:39 pm

I really wished, it had the rape tag. I am not feeling good.
Chapter 16 and 17 should had this tag.

    ukiyomiy June 15, 2021 12:26 am

    i just want to clearify something, that kiss isn't called rape, it's sexual assault. rape is on the next level; if there is sexual penetration it's rape. but if it's touching some parts, kissing etc. without consent it's called sexual assault.

    Yeehaw June 15, 2021 3:10 am

    Its not rape i believe

    yuki* June 16, 2021 9:15 am
    i just want to clearify something, that kiss isn't called rape, it's sexual assault. rape is on the next level; if there is sexual penetration it's rape. but if it's touching some parts, kissing etc. without co... ukiyomiy

    Okay I used the wrong word, but still I think it should has a trigger warning.
    Some people could be like the MC and have the same experience, and thanks to the episode it could back to them

    yuki* June 16, 2021 9:18 am
    i just want to clearify something, that kiss isn't called rape, it's sexual assault. rape is on the next level; if there is sexual penetration it's rape. but if it's touching some parts, kissing etc. without co... ukiyomiy

    And thank you for your explanation ♡♡♡