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Bro this was actually so wholesome??? Ppl complaining bout the sexual harassment in the be...

Anonymous June 13, 2021 6:18 pm

Bro this was actually so wholesome??? Ppl complaining bout the sexual harassment in the beginning and I’m not saying that that’s ok but the uke full on beat him up after and the seme apologized lmao. And like bro the seme is so cute??? Like he was a jerk in the beginning but once all the misunderstandings were cleared up in the first 2 or so chapters he was like an adorable puppy and it’s like holy shit who gave you permission to be so fucking adorable hdjsjdhsj. Anyways, compared to most other BL with sexual harassment (again, not saying that that’s ok but after the first incident it was p consensual and if it wasn’t, the uke beat up the seme lmfao) this was actually so wholesome. Also ppl have to be aware that this is a work of fiction and if you don’t like it you don’t have to read it lol
