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Omggggg this is suuuchhh a roller coater

Eve yui June 13, 2021 3:52 pm

Its been in my bookmarks since forrver until its started trending in tiktok and iwas like bitchhhh i dont wanna get left behind from all the hype theyve been feeling i need to read this asap Honestly i dont expect much from a chinese mahua but this one isss *chefs kiss* goodddamnnn its blowinggg my mind ilove the kind of toxicity its showing its not cringe !!! Villan isnot all the looks but also smart, fl is smart she knows how to pull and stop she knows her looks her big brain itsss justtt arrggghhhhhh i love all the characters i really need help andd yeahhh guysss if u wanna get spoiled and all just read the mf novel
