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For some people that don't know.

Kitsune July 17, 2016 7:35 pm

This might be it but it might not but some people (including me) don't gain weight and will be from "normal" skinny to "bony" skinny for most if not the rest of their lives, so the uke could just be one of those people and can't help it.

Some people might get offended from it if you keep going on about the uke's weight and saying he needs to eat, my friend is just like me and can't gain weight and was bullied during school because people though she was anorexic.

I'm not trying to point people out, I'm just saying.
Though overall I really enjoyed the story! :)

    riri July 20, 2016 2:29 am

    one of the reasons for my anxiety. seriously we can't just help it, we never wanted to have this body, so it's really not our fault. now i'm sad TAT

    Kitsune July 20, 2016 8:01 am
    one of the reasons for my anxiety. seriously we can't just help it, we never wanted to have this body, so it's really not our fault. now i'm sad TAT @riri

    I'm sorry to hear :(
    But I'm the same, I'm sometimes get anxious when I go out (especially when going to swimming pools).