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YeeHaw June 13, 2021 11:44 am

Urgh what pissed me off in this story is that NianNian evetually went back to Yansheng in the end despite all the abuses he received.
Like come on, there is this gift from god called Tang Shuo that loved him with all of heart and was going to extremes just to keep NianNian safe and sound.
But after having Yansheng go through a bit of "suffering" the author patches NianNian back with him like as though all the mental and physical trauma NianNian went through was nothing. REALLY?
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    bnnamilk June 13, 2021 11:52 am

    Yeah everything u said was right, NianNian was being martyr in the past because he still believe Yansheng can remember everything and i really hate the fact that NianNian has to go through a lot of pain and struggles before Yansheng realised that it was NianNian in the first place that he truly loves. Anyways the author's really something ey ? But i don't disagree with the plot its just that, it's too painful. (´°ω°`)

    AdDickTer June 13, 2021 12:23 pm

    I think the saddest part is the fact that tang shuo had the saddest ending in the novel even tho hes one of the best characters

    YeeHaw June 13, 2021 1:29 pm
    Yeah everything u said was right, NianNian was being martyr in the past because he still believe Yansheng can remember everything and i really hate the fact that NianNian has to go through a lot of pain and str... bnnamilk

    I also realise that in most of the chinese novels or manhuas, the severely abused and disrespected uke or female lead always go back to the abusive male leads once they show even a tiny bit of affection or remorse. Like bruh, do you have no self respect?

    Not to mention the poor second male lead just gets stranded after the amount of care and affection they show to the abused. It makes me feel so bad for them.

    PS. I don't have a second lead syndrome, I just want the female lead/uke to have some brain and self respect after all they went through.