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Low Key disappointed

Shirayuki June 12, 2021 10:14 pm

Main couple is cute af but seriously, what the heck happened with the side couple? I already knew Seungho was probably going to end up being the side couple but I did not expect Doyoon to be end game. It was so obvious from the start the two fucked up their relationship so bad it ended up causing Seungho to literally attempt murder 2 times because Doyoon wasn’t able to accept who Seungho (and really, himself) was. Their relationship was so toxic on many levels. Sure, they started off definitely in love with each other, but because of all the family drama/pressure, they weren’t able to freely love each other properly and ended up turning their love into an obsessive need where they feel like only they can understand each other’s pain and anxiety. By the end of season 2, I wanted them to realize that it wasn’t love they felt for each other, but a call for someone to accept them for who they are. And this finally started to happen when the manager tried to help Seungho with his trauma. I was hoping for Seungho to say goodbye to Doyoon at the streets because it was the best for them to part and start loving themselves. Really, that would’ve made the most sense but no the author actually said “fuck all” to basically all the character development thus far and went back to square one. I don’t mind if they dated again like 2-3 years later but that was wayyyy too fast for all the toxic shit to disappear. The manager would’ve been better for Seungho on many levels.
