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Might drop semes are annoying

a9nomis June 12, 2021 3:51 pm

this is probably the first manga i ever thought about dropping. the very first scene of this manga (like very first, like prologue first) is very misleading. the younger seme seems more confident and is actually perusing the MC in the beginning but in the actual story, all he does is bitch and complain to the MC.

the MC had made it clear multiple time what he wants. he doesn’t want romance he wants to win, this is a fatal flaw to the story too. It’s a romance story but its kinda hard to write romance when the mc’s goal is no where even close to romance. its okay to have your MC have multiple goals but this MC just seems to want to win and isn’t even interested in the a relationship.

the producer at first seemed sus in the beginning but now is potentially a main love interest. this is frustrating because its obvious the MC is going to go for the younger one. As much as i love the producer I would’ve preferred him to be a big antagonist instead a perfectly good love interest that is going to lose to a whiny brat.

you can tell the author is trying to change the tone of the manga as well. They do well with it, but I think maybe they reached a point where its this awkward comedy drama. If they wanted to turn a more serious note they should bring something serious to the table, the dramatic atmosphere they are trying to present doesnt match up to the loss the MC will have if he loses. ( i know losing a cat is sad but with the tone becoming more serious it doesnt add up, in fact a side characters fake/made up backstory fit better) I dont know much about the character to have this intense feeling the author is trying to give to me.
