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HexQueen84 June 12, 2021 11:37 am

Alright so I just finished binging this and I cannot compliment this story enough. Although the premise may be quite unorthodox, the story and characters itself are a treasure to behold. I think what has me hooked especially, is the development of the characters and the romance. It’s realistic -as realistic as this plot line could be - and it grips the readers until even the last chapter. Natsumi’s guilt is visceral as it pulls the readers into a frenzy of emotions and trauma - I don’t think I’ve seen a representation of a loved one’s death done this well. From the very moment you start reading, it’s a battle between Natsumi and her mind and the readers FEEL it. Her overcoming her circumstances become none the more satisfying at the end of the story (also her mom and her last talk made me cry hardcore LOL). The other characters, of course, are just as delicately done. The fact that there’s no true villain in this story leaves me extremely satisfied. This plot could only work so well because of the realism - this situation would rarely occur in real life, however the reaction of the characters and their genuineness makes you convinced of their dilemma and no matter the character - from our rich boy Togou to the pained darling Haru, you truly feel for each and every one of these characters as if the reader was going through these events themselves.
Overall, this was very well done and I highly recommend this story.
