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message for @FredFriendly

fuckfujoshiyallarecrazy June 19, 2021 11:13 pm

I have to do this comment since u blocked me just because I told you the true, lol.

You are so annoying, stop complaining if you don't like the manga, stop reading it if the only thing you do is complaining every fucking chapter.

Komura is a nice boy, he is just shy and not easy-going so what about it, get the fuck out you and your toxic masculine.


reply to @FredFriendly since this b1tch blocked me lmao, u weak:

"comment n4zi" why are you saying thing that doesn't make sense? Is this because you don't have anything to say, aw, poor you, you have not arguments that you have to call me a n4zi, could you explain why my comment is n4zi, go ahead I am listening :))

    Jenn June 18, 2021 9:30 am

    Lol I tried to reply too and it just says I can’t due to their user settings, but I think they might be projecting a little and getting upset. Like why hate this wholesome kid so hard, he’s just a lil insecure and awkward, most teenagers are, he just needs some time to progress, he’s not doing anything bad by having a human emotion! Plus she likes him just the way he is so I don’t see a problem? They’re doing too much, and acting so miserable—towards the most wholesome and cute story I’ve ever read—is simply pathetic on their part.

    FredFriendly June 19, 2021 10:42 pm

    Ooh, ooh, I'm shakin' in my boots you're so scary.

    Once again here's a Comment Nazi who thinks only flowery, positive comments should be allowed except, that is, when this Comment Nazi has something vulgar and negative to say about another commenter.

    FredFriendly June 19, 2021 10:50 pm
    Lol I tried to reply too and it just says I can’t due to their user settings, but I think they might be projecting a little and getting upset. Like why hate this wholesome kid so hard, he’s just a lil insec... Jenn

    Mr Gloomy has had 74 chapter to make some progress but has made none. At this rate this series might run into hundreds of chapters before he crawls out of his pit of despair. Like I said before, perhaps a bit of jealousy would cause his balls to drop and he'd start acting like a man.

    Irmawa June 20, 2021 2:32 am

    Ohhhh that's why I couldn't reply to him LOL

    Irmawa June 20, 2021 2:43 am

    Dude if that's your problem then why don't you go harass rental girlfriend

    znukhsoc June 20, 2021 7:15 am

    Ahaha it's true you can't even reply to them.
    AY! @FredFriendly Wow, how can you be so petty? I'm amazed :o

    Jenn June 20, 2021 7:47 am

    @FredFriendly But he’s doing fine even though he’s insecure and sometimes awkward he’s got friends, a girlfriend, a nice mom, like the kids doing alright idk why you have to focus on something that every teenager has to deal with, that doesn’t really affect him badly. He’s not in a pit of despair he’s just shy lmao you’re doing too much. Idk if you’re just trolling or what but you come off as a miserable person :/

    Sora03 June 21, 2021 5:49 am
    Mr Gloomy has had 74 chapter to make some progress but has made none. At this rate this series might run into hundreds of chapters before he crawls out of his pit of despair. Like I said before, perhaps a bit o... FredFriendly

    Listen to me: this manga is perfect even if the two of them didn't have any progress. The boy's shyness and his actions are just normal for his character. I really liked this work, you have to understand that pur protagonista are ONLY in middle school and if you want to read some romance, GO AWAY FROM THIS CUTE STORY AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE.
    Thank you.

    Sora03 June 21, 2021 5:55 am
    Listen to me: this manga is perfect even if the two of them didn't have any progress. The boy's shyness and his actions are just normal for his character. I really liked this work, you have to understand that p... Sora03

    Our protagonists* and i think they are in middle school (im sorry for mistakes)

    SomebodyBlack July 23, 2023 10:55 am
    Ooh, ooh, I'm shakin' in my boots you're so scary.Once again here's a Comment Nazi who thinks only flowery, positive comments should be allowed except, that is, when this Comment Nazi has something vulgar and n... FredFriendly

    Damn you were toxic...

    NorOreo December 8, 2023 2:14 pm

    Methinks this is the type of person who respects "alpha pick up artists" and "get any girl to fall in love with you with this simple trick" sorta misogynistic, sexist asshole who can't fathom the thought of girls preferring to be with a genuinely honest and considerate person instead of someone who treats women like they're some sorta puzzle with a single unlock code lmao. Their comments show how pathetic they're life is, expecting A MIDDLE SCHOOLER to "man up".