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2+2=6 June 10, 2021 9:21 am

My opinions of this

5.1. Stupid reason to break off an engagement. There's a reason why it's political engagement. She was raised to be Queen. It wasn't her choice but what can she do except know how to be Queen. Breaking it off based for personal emotions is unrealistic. Wouldn't it be so convenient to simply break an political engagement especially involving ruling kingdoms and empires based on emotions? So this is no for me. Mf broke it up thinking "Yeah she doesn't like it without even asking" Dumb

5.2. Absolutely love it. #Girlboss. What can I say? When women work together they can run the world.

5.3. I just lost braincells in this no explanation needed. Whatever the fuck "late bloomer " is. It's probably something stupid I'm not gonna even ask. Never in my life have I heard telling someone you love is a weakness. Gtfo of here
