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alright, so...

noradeere July 9, 2016 5:26 pm

although kaji sensei is very hot and i like his body very much, what's with the storyline? it's like... kaji sensei suddenly have this massive thirst for kobayakawa and the whole manga is basically about him chasing after him and forcing himself on kobayakawa. it's so out of nowhere tbh

    Keylime pie September 1, 2016 12:28 pm

    Not really out of nowhere. Kobayakawa is so freaking sexy. I get it. Every time he blushes and turns up his eyes, I find him irresistible and want to f him. And I'm a woman. You can tell he's lying to himself and to Kaji Sensei who is a man is excellent with the written word but not so much with the spoken word. And poor Kobayakawa is a man who needs to hear the words so he can start being honest. Fortunately, they get through their communication issues... eventually.